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Asian Biennials Forum

  • susan Kendzulak
    Currently, one third of the world’s biennales take place in Asia, with the first being the Tokyo Biennale in 1952. Yet, the international art biennale started with the Venice Biennale which was founded in 1895, a year before the Olympic games, at a time when world’s fairs and international exhibitions started growing in popularity with the idea that nations can showcase the best of their talents. However, this type of showcasing of national pride often leads to nationalism and sometimes to conflict.
    Web Article
    1952 Tokyo Biennale, 2003 Venice Biennale, 2005 Martell Contemporary Asian Art Research Grant, 2007 Venice Biennale, 2008 Biennale of Sydney, 798, Adorno, Artforum, ARTSingapore, Artspace, Asia, Asian Art Archive, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, Beral Madra, Bishkek international exhibition for contemporary art, Broadsheet, Chang Tsong-zung, Cyril Wong, Documenta 12 magazines project, Elena Filipovic, Fumio Nanjo, Fushing Biennale, Gao Shiming, Gridthiya Gaweewong, Guangzhou Triennial, Henk Slager, Hou Hanru, Isabelle Graw, Joan Kee, Joselina Cruz, Julian Heynen, June Yap, Kuandu, Leeza Ahmady, Liew Kung-Yu, Low Kee Hong, Lyotard, Matthew Ngui, Metropolis M, Paul Rae, Qiu Zhijie, Ray Langenbach, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Robert Storr, Ryuro Fukuda, Saigon Open City, Sarat Maharaj, Sherman Ong, Singapore Biennale, Singapore Showcase, Song Dong, Songzhuang, Taipei Biennial, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan, Tashkent Biennale, Tiong Ang, Zhang Qing