n.e.w.s. is a collective online platform for the analysis and development of art-related activity, drawing upon contributions from around the globe, bringing together different voices, accents and outlooks from the North, East, West and South. | Read more..

Branka Curcic



Branka works as an editor in the Infocentre department at htt://kuda.org, New Media Center from Novi Sad in Serbia and as coeditor in the publishing department of the New Media Center, called "kuda.read". Her work focuses on examining critical approaches towards new media culture, technologies, new cultural relations, contemporary artistic practice and the social realm. At the moment, she is attending post-graduate studies on Art and Media Theory at the University of Arts in Belgrade. She is been one of the researches in the “Global Scan on Open (Collaborative) Content Project” initiated by Information Program of Open Society Institute, Budapest, Hungary, which deals with mapping open content project all over the world. She is collaborator, correspondent in the project “Transform” of the European Institute for the Progressive Cultural Policies, Vienna, which has raised from republicart project (2002-2005, http://republicart.net). TRANSFORM investigates the relationship between institution and critique along three lines: the line of art production, the line of art institutions and the line of the relationship of institution and critique as movement. Recently, she is one of the coordinators of the Youth Center project in Novi Sad, an alternative youth center dedicated to culture, politics and activism of young practitioners in Serbia.



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12 years 27 weeks