n.e.w.s. is a collective online platform for the analysis and development of art-related activity, drawing upon contributions from around the globe, bringing together different voices, accents and outlooks from the North, East, West and South. | Read more..

Ade Darmawan

TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Pagemusafir Ade Darmawan47 years 13 weeks ago
ProfileAde Darmawan - Ruangrupa Ade Darmawan07 years 50 weeks ago
Commentinhabiting the urban environment Ade Darmawan09 years 27 weeks ago
Commentintegraly difficult Ade Darmawan09 years 27 weeks ago
Commentinhabiting the urban environment Ade Darmawan09 years 27 weeks ago
Commenton project Ade Darmawan09 years 27 weeks ago
Comment... Ade Darmawan09 years 27 weeks ago
Pagekarbon journal online Ade Darmawan012 years 12 weeks ago
for you Ade Darmawan012 years 23 weeks ago
from 8th floor parking storey Ade Darmawan012 years 23 weeks ago
jakarta late 60's Ade Darmawan012 years 23 weeks ago