n.e.w.s. was launched on July 28th, as part of ISEA 2008 (International Symposium for Electronic Arts) from 19:00 to 22:00 @The Substation, 45 Armenian Street, Singapore. Join the Discussion. n.e.w.s. is a horizontally-organised, cumulative knowledge-based website for contemporary art and new media framed by curatorial contributions from around the globe, bringing together voices and images from North, East, West and South. n.e.w.s. reflects geographic diversity and facilitates a framework for collaboration, content and visions of change outside the normal parameters of the established art world networks. Launch at ISEA 2008 With the support of ISEA and Substation, n.e.w.s. was spotlighted with a symposium/event in which members of n.e.w.s. and curators attended in order to discuss and give feedback during this time. Contributing curators and n.e.w.s. representatives talked about building the platform, the way content is determined through curatorial positionings, and further collaborative tactics. Feedback was given by the audience and incorporated into the discussion. Contributors: Ade Darmawan/Ruangrupa, Ingrid Commandeur, Thomas Berghuis, Inti Guerrero, Mia Jankowicz, Rich Streitmatter-Tran, Mustafa Maluka, Stephen Wright, Yuliya Sorokina, and Branka Ćurčić/Kuda. Moderators: Lee Weng Choy/The Substation, Renée Ridgway/n.e.w.s. Comments and user feedback welcome! Please add your events to our calendar or subscribe to our mailing for further projects and announcements. For more information please contact admin@substation.org n.e.w.s. foundation: Sannetje van Haarst, Renée Ridgway, Tiong Ang n.e.w.s. is supported by the following institutions: ISEA, The Substation, Mondriaan Foundation